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Learn about the support and services offered by our volunteers across the hospital, from guiding people where they need to go to providing a laundry service to those in need.

The Royal Adelaide Hospital's (RAH) 350-strong team of volunteers play an important role by generously giving their time to support staff in enhancing the comfort and well-being of patients and their loved ones.

Volunteers assist in a variety of settings around the hospital, including visiting each patient admitted from the Emergency Department, explaining how they can help and providing patient information packs for new arrivals, particularly those who have been unable to prepare properly for their hospital stay.

We also provide bedside visits for people who are alone, may need assistance or comfort in a time of need.

241217 rah volunteers volunteer with trolley tshirts

Look out for our friendly volunteers wearing their bright coloured t-shirts.

Volunteer services offered

Our volunteer guides are based in the main entrance concourse area on Level 3 (ground floor) of the RAH, at our information centre, by lifts and can also be found on selected floors throughout the hospital.

Volunteers help to guide patients, visitors, and people with appointments to where they need to go, helping to ease the stress some people feel when visiting the hospital.

Inpatient volunteers provide support to patients who are in hospital receiving treatment. Support ranges from laundry services, facilitating shopping requests to sitting and talking with patients, relatives and friends.

Outpatient volunteers provide support to patients who are visiting hospital for an examination or day treatment. A major responsibility of the outpatient volunteers is to help guide patients to the outpatient departments throughout the hospital.

Intensive Care Unit (ICU) volunteers work closely with medical staff to ensure a sensitive and discreet support service is provided for patients and visitors within this unit.

A member of the TPI Association of South Australia visits all patients carrying a Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) card 1-2 times a week, helping where necessary and providing company during hospital stays.

We offer a limited laundry service to patients who have no one to assist them with laundering their clothes, and provide a laundry service to the hospital for the laundering of non-sterile items as requested.

SA.RAH’s Gift Shop at the RAH will provide high-level frontline customer service to patients, staff and visitors. The SA.RAH’s Gift Shop sells gift and craft items and takes orders for linen packs for visitors staying overnight with their loved one.

The role of the Wellness Centre is to deliver consumer-focused, evidence-based health promotion programs, and improve access to reliable health information for patients, staff and the community.

The Wellness Centre works collaboratively with other health sites, departments and outside organisations to support community members in improving their health.

RAH volunteers provide a sensitive and caring service to patients undergoing treatment where temporary loss of hair is experienced. 

The service consists of a small, private fitting room with donated, good quality wigs in a range of styles and hair colours.

After paying a $25 up-front fee, patients are able to keep their selected wig for as long as they need it, or come back for an exchange if it is not suitable.

Hand-made turbans and sleeping caps can also be purchased. 

The Volunteer Support Team (VST) provides daily assistance in a range of activities to support the RAH. The VST is responsible for administrative activities such as compiling and creating medical record folders and hospital information packages.

Interested in becoming a volunteer?

Find out how you can join the RAH's volunteer team.

This page was last updated 20 February, 2025

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